People practicing non-monogamy and polyamory need skills to identify their desires, manage emotional overwhelm, build positive self esteem, create shared agreements with partners, and re-orient to the expansive (and sometimes confusing) possibilities of open relationship structures.

Ready to feel confident in your ability to craft intentional and consensual non-monogamous relationships?

Aria is a gifted facilitator who creates safe containers for exploration and discovery.
— Linden, he/him, open for 11 years
Aria is so naturally and delightfully skillful at creating safe and exciting spaces. I’ve really gotten to connect and learn in heartfelt ways that has helped inform and widen my perspective in topics of intimacy, self-reflection and relationships.
— Mona, she/they, non-monogamous for 6 years
Aria has been a wealth of information and support for me. For me, it is really scary to say no or to even set a boundary, but with the help of Aria’s supportive and logical and kind-hearted advice, I have been able to start setting boundaries and feel good about them!
— Sally, she/her, open-hearted & open-minded