Somatic Relationship Coaching with Aria

Book a 1:1 online coaching session to empower you with the essential tools, skills, and frameworks needed to explore and practice consensual non-monogamy or polyamory with confidence and more easefulness.

55 minutes | $200 | All sessions conducted via Zoom

In your personalized session, we might focus on:

  • deepening your self awareness around your desires

  • practicing communicating and listening in ways that foster trust and connection

  • updating monogamous-centric mindsets or limiting beliefs around love and connection

  • healing younger parts of you that are insecure about pursuing non-monogamy

  • releasing tension in the body and increasing your ability to be present through meditation and mindfulness

  • identifying areas of personal growth work and providing accountability to help you develop your ability to relate to yourself and others in more authentic ways

  • befriending your nervous system to better regulate your emotions

  • empowering you to navigate your triggers with more grace and compassion

  • learning how to craft boundaries and agreements that create clear expectations and a sense of safety

We’ll work together to improve the way you’re showing up and participating in non-monogamous or polyamorous relational dynamics to be more aligned with your goals and visions for abundant love, pleasure and connection.

Working with Aria is grounding. She holds me and my thoughts / emotions / dreams / ideals in a safe and secure container where I feel free to be me and know I will be accepted. She shows me how I truly want to be treated. She gives me hope that there are people out there like me who can openly love many people and not feel threatened by it. Aria has also given me communication tools that I am using and getting great results.

I’ve spent thousands of dollar in traditional therapy, but there is something about Aria and the way she works with my strengths and my weaknesses that I feel I’ve gotten more out of 3 sessions with her than I did with my other therapist.

You need someone that has gone through it, lives it and fully embodies it. That’s Aria!
— Sally


Benefits of Relationship Coaching

Build Self Awareness: Develop a clearer understanding of your own needs, desires, and triggers, helping you to relate in healthier ways.

Develop Emotional Intelligence: Enhance your ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of others, fostering deeper connections and more harmonious relationships.

Improved Communication: Improve your ability to express your thoughts and feelings clearly and listen actively, leading to more open, honest, and productive interactions with your partner(s).

Discover Inner Peace: Discover tranquility from within as you release insecurities and cultivate a sense of self-acceptance and self-worth with which to build more meaningful connections.

Enhanced Confidence: Embrace relationships with enhanced capacity to navigate challenges, empowered with the tools and skillsets to manage your emotions, reduce anxiety, and stay grounded as you learn to communicate more effectively and authentically.


Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth?

To explore working together in a one on one capacity, please schedule a free, 30-minute exploratory call:

Aria is a gifted healer. Her sessions have awakened new levels of transformation and awareness. Highly recommend.
— Luke W.
Aria is an amazing guide and will make you feel comfortable and safe.
— Parisa E.
Through the session I felt grief in my body surface and move through me. I felt peace in other parts of my body. I left with a sense of catharsis, calmness & explore what else is in my body that I simply have never known.
— Valerie O.