Aria Diana Biswas (she/her)

Aria is a trauma-informed relationship coach and somatic facilitator, helping people practicing non-monogamy deepen self awareness, overcome insecurities and enhance communication skills to create more liberated relationships that feel expansive and nourishing. Identities include: polyamorous, demisexual, bisexual & queer cisgender femme.

Creating transformative journeys towards more fulfilling and harmonious connections

Through engaging group workshops and personalized coaching experiences, Aria employs a unique blend of somatic tools, creative journaling exercises focused on mindset and beliefs, communication exercises, meditation, and breathwork to help create inner peace for those transitioning to non-monogamous frameworks.

In addition to 1:1 somatic coaching, she builds supportive community learning spaces where peer connections thrive.

Aria's meditative approach is designed to help you excavate outdated beliefs, strengthen your emotional intelligence, and deepen your self-awareness. By addressing insecurities and communication breakdowns, her programs empower individuals to navigate non-monogamous and polyamorous relationships with confidence, compassion and inner calm.

Schedule a free exploratory call now:



Learning to Integrate My Queerness without Shame

For too much of my adult life as a bisexual woman, I grappled with finding satisfaction and wholeness in monogamous relationships with male-bodied partners, all while feeling confused and embarrassed. I’ve spent the last two decades seeking healing and practicing self-acceptance through deeply cathartic experiences in plant medicine ceremonies, becoming a certified breathwork facilitator and reiki practitioner, extensive therapeutic writing, a personal yoga and mindfulness meditation practice, and investing in both individual and couples therapy. It was only when I learned to embrace and confidently advocate for my needs and desires without shame that I found true contentment and an embodied sense of well-being. As I expanded my capacity to cultivate deep partnerships with individuals of all genders, I transformed into a more radiant, alive, and loving version of myself than I ever thought possible. It was no longer necessary to hide the parts of myself I had deemed unacceptable.


Aria shares lessons gleaned from:

10+ years of non-monogamous & polyamorous experience

8+ years of queer marriage

PLUS: Learn from Aria’s anchor partner, the kink artist known as GlittrCat, in the Nourishing Non-Monogamy Group Coaching Program


My Journey into Nonmonogamy & Polyamory

Over the past decade, I’ve delved into the realm of diverse queer relationship structures, ranging from open relating to non-monogamy and polyamory. In my journey through vees, triads, and quads, each relationship experience has enriched my understanding of common issues, triggers, and pain points that arise in different models of intimate relating.

In my early years of trying to open my heart to multiple people simultaneously, I discovered I didn’t have the necessary emotional intelligence and communication skills necessary to manage complicated non-monogamous relationship structures, which left me feeling hurt and confused. Those early relationship wounds led me to study somatics and different therapeutic modalities to better understand trauma, how to build internal capacity and create feelings of safety in myself and with others.

Having recently completed an Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate, combined with my background as a breathwork facilitator, writer and retreat producer, I am dedicated to crafting transformational workshops and experiences to help build a culture based on love and authentic relating, and move away from structures of fear and control. My unique blend of expertise allows me to guide people towards envisioning and embodying more abundant, resilient, and peaceful ways of relating.

I've discovered that it is indeed possible to feel safe and secure while dating and loving multiple people simultaneously. My own journey inspired me to distill my personal joys and heartbreaks into liberating and creative relationship courses and coaching programs, designed for those who, like me, have questioned their self-worth and struggled to proactively advocate for their needs while navigating the complex waters of consensual non-monogamous relating.

I learned firsthand how challenging navigating non-monogamy can be without adequate support systems, and my group coaching programs serve as brave spaces to practice attuning, communicating and relating with others in intentional ways, beyond the limiting confines of monogamy.


Need a supportive space to practice your own communication and self-awareness skills to build expansive and meaningful non monogamous relationships?

Learn more about Nourishing Non-Monogamy, Aria’s new non-monogamy group coaching program.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation:


I’m known for creating transformative & healing experiences for marginalized communities.

I aim to create inclusive, brave spaces for all expressions of gender, sexuality, race and class, not limited to LGBTQIA+, BIPOC communities, the polyamorous, non-monogamous, and monogamish.


More about my background…

Trauma Informed Somatic Guide
To better understand how we can overcome relational trauma, rebuild a sense of safety in the nervous system, and forge deep connections by listening to the wisdom of the body, I have completed a Certificate in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy from The Embody Lab, Healing Trauma: Working with Somatic Wounds with Dr. Peter Levine, and Thomas Hübl’s The Pocket Project's Trauma Informed Leadership II Course.

Breathwork Meditation Facilitator
My interest in quiet contemplation began as a child raised in the nonviolent and pacifist traditions of the Quaker Society of Friends. I completed David Elliott’s Breathwork Healer Training in Los Angeles, and studied reiki energy healing at Maha Rose in Brooklyn. I have held meditation residencies at The Assembly and Anchor Meditation in San Francisco, and have facilitated breathwork events with Y7 in Los Angeles, mindbodygreen in New York, and for California cannabis retreats including Humble Bloom’s Field Trip and MJ Lifestyle’s Visualize & Thrive.

Storyteller, Writer & Communication Specialist
As a trained facilitator in the Narrative 4 Method, I employ Story Exchanges to build empathy, compassion and connection in my group experiences to help combat the loneliness that occurs being non-monogamous and polyamorous in a world that tends to only recognize monogamy as a valid structure of romantic relating. In addition, with degrees in Journalism and International Studies from the University of Oregon (2007), I bring my background as a writer and author exploring diverse cultures to craft unique storytelling experiences and intentional writing exercises that empower people to own their identity and deepen their sense of self. I’ve spent the last 17 years working in communications, as a magazine writer, book editor and copywriter; my work has appeared in The New York Times and New York Magazine. I’m currently writing a memoir about integrating the bisexual parts of myself that I once denied, and my healing journey to more fully accept myself and make polyamorous relationships possible.

Retreat Executive Producer & Host
I worked for almost a decade in the cannabis industry where I first served as an advisor and then later led events and educational experiences as the Head of Experiental Marketing at Meadow, the first Y Combinator cannabis startup (W15). In 2018, I facilitated the group meditation during the inaugural Meadowlands, the beloved "cannabis camp" in the Emerald Triangle. From 2019 - 2021, I became the executive producer and host for this 4-day, 600-person retreat in Northern California. In 2020, I curated and hosted a a special Meadowlands Digital COVID-19 online experience with 100 speakers and 35 hours of donation-based educational and wellness programming to give back to those most harmed by the war on drugs.

Social Justice Activist
My political home is with Showing Up with Racial Justice (SURJ Bay Area), where I work to transform my white, able bodied, middle class privilege to create a more equitable, compassionate and just society in partnership with select BIPOC nonprofits.



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