Learn more about:

  • Brian, doctor, addiction medicine

  • Bexx, lawyer, tech professional & sex positive facilitator

  • Skye aka GlittrCat, Music Producer, DJ & Artist

  • Salina, Mindfulness Education Consultant, Relationship Coach

  • Justin, MA, PhD, Poly Therapist


You’re Invited to Another Online Event for the Week of Visibility

Want additional guidance and frameworks on how to form relationship agreements to foster safety and clear expectations in a non-monogamous relationship ecosystems? Tomorrow night, join Aria for a virtual 90 minute boundaries workshop with sliding-scale pricing:


Wednesday July 17th
6:30-8pm PST

These events are just two of more than 40 virtual and in-person events happening in five countries and languages during the Week of Visibility for Non-Monogamy!

Check out the full global event directory to see what's happening near you!